Arab Spring?

In the past few months social and political revolt has led to revolution in many Middle Eastern nations.

After a tepid start the US it appears has chosen to support ‘the people’ against the leaders from Egypt and Bahrain to Lybia.

As a result US foreign policy has changed. However it is not an ideological or historic shift, despite what President Obama may say and other bloggers write.

It is a continuation of strategic national interest first and concern for the peoples of the region second.

The idea now within the fp of WH advisors is to have the US champion ‘democratic’ change wherever it is happening in the region as quickly as possible e.g. Yeman.

The test will be Saudi Arabia and change will come before the end of this year.

The broader question is if this as the Western media has called it an Arab Spring? Or a longer, but ultimately abortive attempt such as in 2009?

Time will time.

About Aaron Walter

Having worked in the public and private sector I have in a relatively short period of time experienced much. Now living in Europe I wish to impart a bit of sense into the stream of information on world events primarily within Central Europe but other key parts of the world.
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